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Accounts: Deal - Documents / Pictures

Used to track documents and pictures associated with a deal.

This is a list of documents for this deal. A document may be any type of PC file. Documents may reside in the ALMSysSQL\DealDocs folder or any folder that may be accessed by this PC or workstation. It is recommended to store all documents related to a deal in its own folder.

ALMSys will check to make sure that a document exists when the screen is opened. If a document is not found, then it will appear in red in the grid and the "Found" column will state "False."

Documents may be opened (launched) from the grid by double-clicking on the document.

There is a button bar at the top of this page that has the following functions:
  • : Add a new document.
  • : Remove the selected document from this deal.
  • : Move the selected document up one in the list.
  • : Move the selected document down one in the list.

    This is a list of pictures for this deal. ALMSys does not store the image of the vehicle within ALMSys itself. Rather, pictures are placed into the ALMSysSQL\Pictures folder and then linked to the specific deal. Pictures do not have to be placed into the ALMSysSQL\Pictures folder, but it is recommended so that the images are not scattered over many different folders and/or drives.

    ALMSys will check to make sure that a picture exists when the screen is opened. If a picture is not found, then "Picture Not Found" will display for that picture.

    Once a picture is on the screen, you must click on it to perform any of the other actions. The selected picture will have a blue frame around it.

    There is a button bar at the top of this page that has the following functions:
  • : Add a new picture.
  • : Remove the selected picture from this deal.
  • : Move the selected picture up one in the list.
  • : Move the selected picture down one in the list.
  • : Enlarges the selected picture.
  • : Reduces the selected picture.
  • : Resets the picture back to thumbnail size.
  • : Starts an email with this picture attached.